Membership of Dartford Road Runners is open to runners over 18 for £50. This is payable each year in April. A club vest (required for races) is an additional £20.
For the current membership year, the Club can provide the following membership benefits:
- Two midweek training sessions, lead by an accredited UKA Run Leader or Coach.
- A longer social run (6-12 miles) at the weekend, depending on the local race calendar.
- A monthly track session at the Dartford Central Park Athletics facility (Additional annual fee of £10).
- Entry to the Kent Fitness League (seven races)
- Entry to the entire season of races in the Kent County Athletics Association Cross-Country League (four races per category)
- Entry to the Kent County Cross Country Championships
- Entry to the Kent County Veterans Cross Country Championship (males over 40 / females over 35)
- Entry to the Southern Counties Cross-Country Championships
- Entry to the National Cross-Country Championship
Assembly League
- Entry to the Assembly League (six races)
To join Dartford Road Runners, please fill in the information below and send £50 to the following bank account:
Dartford Road Runners
Barclays Bexleyheath
Sort code: 20-06-72
Account no: 70215333
Reference: [your name]